...a man who knows how to make a lady smile, he's also a bright guy that knows about people. Maybe even as much as I do! When my kids were growing up I always told them that no matter what a person did to them that was nasty or rude, they should just walk away without lowering themselves to the level of the cretin that treated them so badly.
My logic was that if they were a social clod in front of my kids, chances were pretty good that everyone else in their lives knew it, too. So, they should maintain their dignity and just take the high road. One day my son came home and said to me, "Remember what you told me about walking away from idiots?" I said, "Yeah, why?"
He told me, "Well, a couple of weeks ago my friends and I were out and we ran into another group of guys. One of them was being a real jerk and he was shouting mean stuff at me for no reason. I almost went to fight him but there were so many guys with him that I thought that I shouldn't, so my friends and I just left. And then last night, I ran into one of the guys that was with the jerk and he apologized for what had happened and told me that the whole group of them knew what a fool the guy was and none of them would have gotten into a fight over him. So, Mom, you were right!"
Well, what do you know? The old lady was right!
People haven't changed over the years and CoCo knows just what I mean:
"...It would also be safe to guess that her petty behavior is a normal part of her personality so she is probably treating other women in his life (like relatives) and his buddies with the same demeanor, or lack of...."
Yep, it's true. colleen lombardi isn't a decent woman who is simply harrassing Solaris. She's a jack ass of mega proportions and everyone who knows her, with the possible exception of her mother, knows it as well.
Solaris knows her in-laws and if they are decent people, they already know what the ho is all about. If they aren't, then it doesn't matter what they think. Also, CoCo is right, the ho treats everyone like crap and they all know how self centered and devious she is. If Solaris' husband doesn't know it yet, he will when the novelty of a new piece of ass wears off. And, it was he who told Solaris that he knew that colleen "could be rude", so he must be getting it at least a little bit. That's most likely the reason that the ho is acting like she is...she realizes that the married man that she was humping is slipping away.
My guess is that he's already cheating on her (or at least she suspects it) and that's why she's stepping up her deranged...UNHINGED...behavior. Or, perhaps she just perceives that he is sorry that he left Solaris. Everyone, absolutely EVERYONE knows that if the married man and the ho were living in unholy bliss, she wouldn't bother with Solaris at all, she'd live her happy life. But, since there is no happy life, she has to try to spread her misery around.
That whacked out wench didn't just turn rude, she's been that way for her entire life. If she hasn't grown up enough to know how to live a happy life yet, chances are she's going to die a lonely death and have a very, very sparsely visited funeral. Few people cry over such nasty folk.
Can you imagine what it takes to make a person so mean? You could almost pity a person like that if they ever learned to live and let live...but when they continue to treat people like dirt well into middle age, they are not going to change and don't deserve pity.
Anyway, Solaris can rest easy knowing that everyone who knows the story of her and her marriage sees right through the ho and realize that she's a tad unbalanced and that Solaris is a decent soul. So, which one of these two do you think has the potential to live a happy life and which one will be miserable no matter where the husband sleeps at night?
So, CoCo, thanks for reminding me of that story. I know that it will help Solaris and that she is in store for happiness that she never knew she could experience while the ho is in store for the same old crap that she's always experienced.
Yes, I agree with you. What I also think is that she's not used to people knowing what a manipulative woman she is. She's also not used to people talking down to her.
I strongly believe that if she cannot control people to her liking she will go beserk, and that's exactly what's happening here.
You know, co signing on a car loan is a strong indication of manipulative behavior. It's certainly a good way to keep someone in your life for the next 5 years if you cannot get pregnant by him. However, it is also a strong sign of desperation. I mean come on - would you personally, Meg, co sign on a car loan for one of the guys you're dating, or worse for a married man who cheated on his wife with you?
What kind of person must one be to do that?
OK Solaris, check out this chick, she's OK and has been around for a while...she's perfectly safe.
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